We had some great times this last week. The weather has been getting colder, and there wasn't too much sun, but we still had a great time.
Last Monday we went to Hero's square and found the statue of George Washington, that was a lot of fun. We went with the other Elders, Elder Jameson and Elder Willes. It was a good time. After that we met with our landlady because the mission is trying to take better care of the apartments, following which we spent some time finding.
Tuesday morning we had our weekly phone call with President Szabadkai, he gave us some good advice, and afterward we had a lesson with a man named Péter. He lives right next to us, and it was kinda funny to walk out of our building, and then go over to his and visit him. We had a good lesson with him, we shared the Restoration. After the lesson we had MCM with Krisztián, it went well. After that we met up with the Secrataries and had an exchange. Elder Fisher and I had a good time together. We're in the same group, so we knew each other from the MTC, but we haven't seen each other that much. It was fun, and we had two lessons, one with a néni named Erzsébet. It went really well, she finally read from the Book of Mormon, and it helped her a lot. She's been struggling ever since her husband died, and the Book of Mormon gave her some comfort. After that lesson, we met with Alex, and we watched the Restoration. It was a lot of fun, the lesson with him went well too. Elder Fisher did a good job.
Wednesday we had a fun morning and we had some time to go Whiteboarding. We went near the university and tried talking to some people. Whiteboarding is getting harder because the weather is cold, and standing next to a board doesn't really help you stay warm. After that we met up with Elder Murphy and Elder Bloomer, and then Elder Murphy and I had an interesting day. We had two lessons planned in the evening, but both of them fell through, so we ended up spending some time finding we took some cinnamon rolls to some members. Elder Murphy and I are trying to work with members better, and the key to that is to give them some food. Fortunately, Elder Murphy is really good at baking.
Thursday we had a fun time at District meeting. The topic was actually working with members and we had a great discussion. It went really well, and hopefully we'll all be able to apply what we talked about. Also, we've been doing this online course about using technology appropriately. It's a fun course, but the missionary actors in it are super weird sometimes. After district meeting we had studies and some finding, then we went to angolóra and afterward we had a lesson with Krisztina and her family. They are still having a really hard time financially, but they are doing slightly better. We gave them some encouragement and a spiritual boost, and the member, Józsi, who came with us gave them some great advice.
Friday we had a lesson with Zsolt, we talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It went really well, and Zsolt asked a lot of great questions. He seems more happy now than when we first met, and I think he's changed a bit, which is really cool to see. After the lesson we had weekly planning, and then we met up with the Assistants for an exchange. Elder Gentry and I had a couple lessons. One of them was with a cool guy named Patric (I think....) His dad is from Ghana and his mom is from Hungary and he's the only black man I've met that speaks Hungarian. He's really cool and a big believer in the importance of religion. He's really promising and I hope we can meet with him more. After that lesson, Elder Gentry and I met with a less active who's having a hard time, but the lesson went well and the member, Béla, was able to help her out.
Saturday we spent some time on facebook and then we went whiteboarding. After that the exchange ended and Elder Murphy and I had dinner with some members from Győr, the area elder Murphy just left. It was a lot of fun and afterward we went finding and helped a member from Buda find the stake center.
Sunday was a lot of fun. We had stake conference, and everyone had to come to Budapest because they didn't broadcast it. This means that we could meet with members from previous areas we've served in. It was great to see them all again, and Stake Conference was really great. The stake president, President Southwick, gave a great talk about following the prophet and reading the Book of Mormon. It was really great. After that we talked with members for a while and then we had some lessons fall through, went finding, and had MCM. It was a really fun day.
This week our topic for self-reliance was becoming one and working together. This topic works super well with missionary work because we are always in a companionship, so it is really important for us to work together. I also think it can be super useful for non-missionaries. One part of it was realizing how others can help us and accepting their help, which I think is really important. A lot of people don't like to accept help from others, which just makes things harder for them and deprives others of the opportunity to serve them. So my invitation for all of you is to try to help those around you, and if someone offers to help you, accept their help!
Terry elder
Here's a really cool picture of a monument near Heros' square. I have no idea what it is for.
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