Well, we had another busy week.
Monday we met with János and Ildikó and taught some more commandments. We met with them 3 times this week, and they are doing great. We also visited the Hingyi family and shared the Living Christ with them. It was pretty good, and it went well.
Tuesday we had the usual phone call with President Szabadkai, that was fun. Afterwards we went to Pécs for exchanges. It was pretty good, but there is no where to park in that city. It took us 45 minutes to find a place to park and it cost 3500 ft to park for 24 hours. I have no idea what 3500 forint is, sorry. I was with Elder Willes for exchanges and we had some good times finding. We even talked to a nice lady on the bus. I used the classic, "I don't speak Hungarian and I have a question" approach. Unfortunately, the question I asked was csúnya. (It was ugly or dirty. I'm not really sure how to translate it.) Anyways, I asked about a phrase I'd heard from someone, and it was not a good phrase. But we got to talk about why we were there as missionaries, so it all worked out. After the bus ride we did some tracting, and it was good.
Wednesday we had some more finding in Pécs and then we left to come home. Once we got home, we met with János and Ildikó again, this time we talked about the ten commandments. It was a good time.
Thursday we had district meeting on planning, went well. During lunch we finally got a district picture (attached). They are kinda weird. Anyways, after district meeting we went to the Service place, had a good time. We played some card games and chatted with people. It was fun. Then we tracted and got dogged by some people.
Friday we had weekly planning, home taught a recent convert, Gyula, met with János and Ildikó again and discussed the baptismal interview (It'll be this friday). Then we home taught the Kápolnásiék.
Saturday we had a baptism. A family from Dunaújváros that moved to England a while back came back to baptize their 8 year old daughter. The baptism went really well, Eszter came to it, which was good. Then we had MCM, some studies, and then we went out to the Kápolnásiék. They had a little party there for the branch so we showed up, ate some food, and left because we had a lesson. We met with Eszter, taught the Law of Chastity and reviewed the baptismal interview questions. her interview will also be on friday. Then we taught the Hingyiék again about keeping the sabbath day holy.
Sunday we had some good times. János and Ildikó were there before us (and we have branch council at 8), and the Hingyiék came in just after Sacrament started. So we had a good number of investigators there. After church we had the usual sundaywith some finding, lots of phone calls, and working a lot.
This week's spiritual thought comes from D&C 84:49-51. I read this during personal study on saturday and I really liked it.
"49 And the whole world lieth in sin, and groaneth under darkness and under the bondage of sin.
50 And by this you may know they are under the bondage of sin, because they come not unto me.
51 For whoso cometh not unto me is under the bondage of sin."
The reason Iiked this is because I've noticed a lot of people in bondage. So many people are in captivity and they don't even realize it, but as it says, those that do not come unto Christ are under the bondage of sin. Everything that holds us back from coming to Christ leads us to bondage. So my invitation to you all this week is to come unto Christ and get out of bondage (if you are in it. If you aren't, then stay out of it).
Terry elder
Terry and McKim at interviews with the President
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